Buying the dip when the stock market goes down


  • Feb 26, 2020 trades
  • reason to add more
  • overreaction to corona virus

Yesterday as the market continued its slide, I added more stocks.

In total I added $500.07 worth of investments into my M1Finance Dividend portfolio.

1. PSX - $25,16 - 0.304960 share
2. DAL - $20.70 - 0.406520 share
3. BMY - $19.67 - 0.313660 share
4. LLY - $23.23 - 0.171500 share
5. ADM - $23.95 - 0.585860 share
6. CXW - $16.81 - 1.034460 share
7. VLO - $20.74 - 0.278800 share
8. ABBV - $22.60 - 0.250470 share
9. EMN - $24.15 - 0.355770 share
10. MS - $20.36 - 0.420570 share
11. GILD - $17.63 - 0.247090 share
12. EPR - $18.66 - 0.283750 share
13. ETN - $22.32 - 0.225630 share
14. CFG - $20.42 - 0.588130 share
15. AVGO - $19.75 - 0.068780 share
16. IRM - $15.28 - 0.458170 share
17. REG - $19.26 - 0.310240 share
18. GEO - $16.60 - 1.025950 share
19. VIAC - $27.05 - 1.039580 share
20. SPG - $23.78 - 0.174460 share
21. WYNN - $25.18 - 0.214240 share
22. CLNY - $15.76 - 3.60340 share
23. CSCO - $24.23 - 0.561920 share
24. CORR - $16.78 - 0.383540 share

The buys consisted of the Dividend Growth Basket 2020 and Real Estate slices.

The Dividend Growth Basket 2020 slice really diversified so I did not hesitate to add more when the market went down.

The Real Estate slice I bought more because of the value and high dividend yield.

Both slices are going down because of this overblown coronavirus going on. I believe it's just an overreaction, but it does provide a good time to buy more.

Thank you for reading!
